Evan Dicken
By day, Evan Dicken studies old Japanese maps and crunches data for medical research at The Ohio State University. By night, he does neither of these things. His short stories have most recently appeared in: Analog, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and Strange Horizons, and he has written extensive tie-in fiction for the: Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Legend of the Five Rings, Banner Saga, and Arkham Horror game settings.
Evan Dicken grew up in one of those Midwestern, rust belt towns that form the fodder for so many coming-of-age stories. He studied Psychology, History, and Biology at Ohio University, and received his M.A. in East Asian History from the Ohio State University, after which he spent more than a little time in Japan.Â
He writes whatever he has ideas for: primarily science fiction, horror, and fantasy. He has a number of stories in various genre publications, some of which you can read for free online, if you're so inclined.
For more on Evan, as well as recent news and more, check out his website at evandicken.com!